Average session length

> 4 Minutes

Entry Goals Achieved


of entries through to final submission


Project Overview

Coca Cola tasked Appetite Creative with creating a competition to engage their young audience and promote the benefits of their Rani brand. The solution involved developing an augmented reality app that used image recognition to identify Rani flavors and drive purchases through challenges. The results included an average session length of over four minutes, successful achievement of entry goals, and comprehensive data collection for the client, including location and peak usage hours.


Acquired as recently as 2014, Coca Cola asked Appetite Creative to create a competition to engage their young audience. At the same time, they wanted their customers, as well as potential new customers, to know that Rani has real fruit pieces, higher juice content, reduced sugar and real fruit flavour. Offering the prize of tickets to a football match, we needed to create something in both Arabic and English that would run throughout the middle east.

“The team effectively managed the relationships between their two clients actively offering up suggestions to reach the maximum potential in the development. Because of their effective communication skills, they were able to deliver a professional, fully-functioning solution. They have ideas and expertise that pushed us toward the best end product. Instead of blindly following our brief, they gave us feedback to benefit the collaboration. They were also very flexible, allowing for personal, quick service.” Susanne McKinley; Marketing Manager TetraPak


Our team developed an augmented reality app which used image recognition to identify the four flavours on offer. We wanted to drive purchases through challenges. We gave the app a great modern design and helped our client by collecting the right information through it. This way, we were able to offer the prize and the experience to the user, and data such as location and peak selling times to the client.


We achieved an average session length of over four minutes.Data such as location and peak hours of use, all broken down in to fine details and stored in a clean and easy to use database. Fully compliant with GDPR, 120% of entry goals have been achieved with almost all users going through to the end of the game.