In today’s digital age, consumer engagement is paramount, and brands are continuously looking for innovative ways to connect with their audience. One avenue that has shown significant promise is the integration of technology within packaging. This evolution not only benefits the brand but also enhances the consumer experience, making every purchase more than just a transaction.

Smart Packaging and QR Codes

A simple yet effective means to provide additional information or interactive experiences. With a quick scan from a smartphone, consumers can access product details, promotional content, or even augmented reality experiences. This not only adds value to the product but also deepens brand engagement. 

NFC (Near Field Communication) and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification):

These technologies allow for seamless product tracking and verification. They can be integrated into packaging to give consumers a touchpoint for accessing information and ensuring product authenticity. NFC-enabled packages can be tapped with a smartphone, offering instant access to a wealth of information or rewards.

Sustainability and Tech

In today’s market, there’s a noticeable shift. Consumers are not just looking for quality but also for sustainability. Combining this with technology, particularly QR codes, presents an effective solution.

Switch to Digital: Traditional printed manuals often lead to excess waste. By integrating QR codes, brands can direct consumers to digital instructions, reducing paper usage and offering a more streamlined experience.

Traceability: Understanding a product’s origins is becoming increasingly important. QR codes allow consumers to access information about a product’s supply chain, ensuring it aligns with sustainable practices.

Guided Recycling: Proper disposal and recycling can be confusing. QR codes provide a clear path, offering detailed recycling instructions specific to the product, ensuring reduced contamination.

Efficiency in Design: By incorporating QR codes, packaging can be simplified. This not only conserves materials but also offers a cleaner, more modern aesthetic.

Personalised Experiences Through QR Codes

Connected Packaging, enhanced by QR codes, offers a robust platform for delivering personalised user experiences. By marrying technology with consumer needs, QR codes pave the way for a range of tailored interactions.

Customised Product Information: QR codes provide access to detailed product information. When scanned, users can retrieve specific data tailored to their purchase, streamlining the user experience.

Feedback Mechanism: Brands can leverage QR codes to gather user feedback. Scanning the code might direct consumers to brief surveys, allowing brands to collect insights and adjust offerings accordingly.

Exclusive Promotions: QR codes can facilitate personalised promotions. By recognising past purchases or user preferences, these codes can unlock exclusive offers or early product releases for the consumer.

Guided Usage Tutorials: For products that require instructions or demonstrations, QR codes can lead to relevant tutorials. This ensures users have access to precise and pertinent guidance.

To learn more about QR-codes, please see The Future of QR codes – Security and Authenticity.

Dead Man’s Fingers: A Halloween Campaign Success

Challenge: With Halloween looming, Dead Man’s Fingers rolled out a special limited edition bottle and aimed to craft a unique campaign to captivate pub-goers throughout the UK.

Solution & Results: Teaming up with Appetite Creative, the iconic pub ‘fruit machine’ was reimagined into a mobile experience through QR-coded wooden stirrers. This campaign saw the game being played over 4,300 times within a month, with notable traction in London, Wrexham, and Bedford. The effectiveness of the campaign is highlighted by a data registration rate of 71.19% and a commendable low bounce rate of 1.97%.


The convergence of packaging and technology is more than just a trend; it’s a testament to how industries adapt in an ever-evolving digital landscape. By providing connected experiences in packaging, brands can foster deeper connections with their consumers, elevating the ordinary to the memorable. As technology continues to advance, it will be intriguing to see how this integration evolves, but one thing is clear: the future of packaging is connected.

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