

Games played


email submissions


Project Overview

Merck MilliporeSigma wanted to collect emails from researcher and their area of research in order to use their email for targeted communication. When logging into the app, the user (researcher) will be asked for their email address in order to enter the competition and have a chance to win prizes and will have to choose one avatar (which represents the area of research). The user will have the choice among 18 avatars, and won’t be able to change it once chosen. The game is broken down into 3 different levels, in which the user will have to aim the hand and tap to shoot the pipette tip into the waste bin and where the bin will move faster according to each level (level 1: bin moves slow, level 3: bin moves fast). The background of the app represents a lab, using equipment researchers use in their daily life. Once the game is over, the user will have the chance to add their score to a leaderboard and potentially win prizes. The app can be played several times a day, and the points will be accumulated for the same user.


Because scientists that are clients or make use of the technology, products, or novel services are located all over the world, it was hard for Merck to gather detailed information about the scientists. That is why the company decided that they want to gather emails from their scientists in order to use this information for targeted communication. This information will give Merck more information on their clients and customers and this will allow them to better target their target groups.

“They have a responsive communication process with quick turnarounds. Overall, there has been no need for improvement.”


This is where Appetite Creative stepped in. The solution that Appetite provided for Merck was to create a connected experience campaign. In this case, Appetite created a game for Merck that was targeted at scientists.

When logging into the app, the researcher will be asked to enter their email address to start the game and eventually have a chance to win prizes. Once logged in, the user will have a choice between 18 avatars to choose from. The game is broken down into three levels in which the user has to shoot the pipette into the moving waste bin. The more successful hits, the more points the users get which will eventually lead to a leaderboard that keeps scores that can turn into prizes for the users.


While the connected experience was live, there were 706 users that scanned the QR to go onto the game. These were all internal scientists which was the target group for the campaign. 468 of these participants participated in the game with a completion rate of 85%.

In the end, the goal of the campaign was to gather emails from the scientist and the campaign had 364 email registrations at the end.